
Into the mind of a BJP voter: The product of propaganda: Chapter 1

Introduction Okay here goes: I'm an ex BJP supporter and in this post, I'll tell you how I and many others like me are brainwashed by propaganda. I know that there are many who will tell me that I have blood on my hands and that I'm among those responsible for electing this government to power. I hope you could for some time drop judgment and listen to understand why an educated (in my case MBBS who has never seen a patient through the prism of religion) person falls into the trap of propaganda and how active hacking of otherwise decent people happens. I'll focus on the tools of propaganda used and how all of this can be deconstructed and prevented in the future by simple dialogue. In this post, I will stick to the politics of these 2 decades and how and why public perception has amalgamated the way it has today. My first brush with politics in 2004 when I was in 8th grade and India Shining was the slogan for re-election. My friend asked me &q